New PROPEL Survey Feature

In the fast-paced world of clinical trials, feasibility surveys have become a crucial step in the process. These surveys help researchers determine the viability of their trials and ensure that all the necessary resources and capabilities are in place. However, it is important to recognize that surveys have the potential to be powerful tools in … Read more

Optimize Clinical Trials with Automated Workflows and Data Analytics

In a world that has become increasingly focused on the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI), it’s hard to imagine a future without most industries being impacted. But while an AI for every niche business need may still be in the future, advanced technologies offering increased efficiency, quality, and time and cost savings are already here.  … Read more

Accelerate Study Cycle Times with Clinical Trial Software for CROs

In our post-pandemic world, contract research organizations (CROs) face more challenges than ever. With greater competition, market consolidation, and a growing emphasis on site empowerment, the CRO market is in a state of flux. Only those willing to be flexible as they apply learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath are likely to come … Read more

3 Key Differences Between PROPEL and CTMS

High staff turnover and burnout have been trending topics in the clinical trials industry over the last year. The goal of successful clinical trials is to get new treatments to market as quickly and safely as possible; however, the process from study startup to study completion is lengthy, and staff turnover causes disruption. With the … Read more

Navigating the Great Resignation Within the Clinical Trial Industry

woman holding compass

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, a record 4.5 million workers quit their jobs in March 2022—a trend that has continued through the summer. Paired with rising inflation costs, this so-called “Great Resignation” is straining the clinical trial industry like never before. Turnover for both patient-facing and operations staff has been on the rise, … Read more

Improve Study Outcomes with Clinical Trial Software for CROs

Team Using Devana Solutions PROPEL to Improve Clinical Trial Study Outcomes

The relationship between sponsors and contract research organizations (CROs) is strengthening as outsourcing becomes a clinical trial norm. It is important for the CRO to have a good working relationship with sites in order to ensure that the trial is successful, particularly in the study startup phase, as clinical trials are increasingly expensive and time-consuming … Read more