Improving Patient Engagement & Retention Strategies with Engage!  

Improving Patient Engagement and Retention Strategies with Engage!

Maintaining patient engagement and minimizing dropout rates in clinical trials is a persistent hurdle, with dropout rates soaring up to 30% in some studies. The National Institutes of Health underscores the importance of building trust, engaging communities, and ensuring clear and culturally sensitive communication at every stage, from pre-recruitment planning to post-study dissemination of results.

Participant Engagement: It’s a Win-Win for Clinical Research and Study Participants

Sponsors, CROs, sites and clinical trial vendors work so very hard to make clinical trials successful. This arduous work includes protocol development, regulatory approvals, trial management, vendor selection, site selection, start-up, and effective participant recruitment just to get the study off the ground.   But one fact remains consistent today: Study participants, the most valuable part … Read more