Devana Solutions CEO Barry Lake on Note to File Podcast

Barry Lake on Note to File Podcast

Devana Solutions CEO Barry Lake recently sat down with Brad Hightower of the Note to File Podcast to discuss the current state of the industry and the importance of sites tracking their own metrics using clinical trial software like Devana Solutions. Offering holistic trial analysis and a dynamic site and investigator database, Devana Solution’s enterprise software gives businesses the crucial support … Read more

Participant Engagement: It’s a Win-Win for Clinical Research and Study Participants

Sponsors, CROs, sites and clinical trial vendors work so very hard to make clinical trials successful. This arduous work includes protocol development, regulatory approvals, trial management, vendor selection, site selection, start-up, and effective participant recruitment just to get the study off the ground.   But one fact remains consistent today: Study participants, the most valuable part … Read more

How a Mobile App Improves Site Clinical Trial Performance

RealTime Mobile App

Does your CTMS system have a dedicated mobile app?  If not, you may be asking, “Why would I even need a CTMS mobile app?  My current CTMS vendor claims that it is not necessary because my CTMS scales to mobile devices.”  Let’s dive into how RealTime, the only CTMS company to have a dedicated mobile app, is enabling clinical research coordinators, investigators, and other front-line researchers to execute their daily tasks more efficiently and effectively using tools that are only possible with a mobile app. The following are some of the key benefits that RealTime customers can enjoy by using the features on our MobileApp:

New Customer Feature Request Form Brings Ideas to Life

Need a new feature or solution in the RealTime system?

At RealTime, we are constantly investing in technology improvements to ensure customers get the most out of RealTime solutions. We take our customer’s input seriously and use it to make sure our solutions meet their needs. In fact, most of our updates have originated directly from the voice of our customers! In an effort to … Read more

Pros and Cons of e-Signatures in Clinical Research

Pros and Cons of eSignatures in Clinical Research with CEO Rick GreenField Blog

As the clinical research industry moves into an increasingly paperless, electronic world, all stakeholders involved in clinical trial processes are faced with new workflows that include numerous benefits. However, in some cases, new challenges must be overcome. The move to electronic systems has been greatly accelerated due to Covid-19 as the need for contactless processes … Read more

Say Goodbye to Time-Consuming Patient Entry

importing patients is easy with Realtime CTMS

In the past, managing patient profiles within a clinical trial management system was time-consuming, bordering on frustrating. Today, this process has been made easy with RealTime’s “Import Patients” feature. Employing simple and intuitive navigation, RealTime customers can transfer patient profiles from other resources or systems into the CTMS quickly and easily.  With this feature, you … Read more

Celebrate Immunization Awareness Month with RealTime

Celebrating immunization month at RealTime

August is National Immunization Awareness Month. To celebrate, RealTime wants to thank all the individuals and organizations who contribute to the production of new vaccines, such as the one developed for COVID-19. From sponsors and sites to investigators and patients, there are many people to thank for their contributions to a healthier world. RealTime is … Read more

Behind the Software with Rob Edwards

Learn more about Rob Edwards

Our dedicated team of RealTime experts go above and beyond to provide world-class software packed with innovative features that provide unparalleled efficiencies for customers while providing an intuitive interface that’s easy to learn and use.  RealTime team members are aligned with one primary goal…  the success of our customers.  Each month we are excited to showcase one … Read more