New PROPEL Survey Feature

In the fast-paced world of clinical trials, feasibility surveys have become a crucial step in the process. These surveys help researchers determine the viability of their trials and ensure that all the necessary resources and capabilities are in place. However, it is important to recognize that surveys have the potential to be powerful tools in … Read more

Effectively Manage Decentralized Sites with Clinical Trial Software

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more organizations have been exploring the possibilities of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs). Decentralized trials have many benefits, including accelerated patient access, improved patient engagement and retention, and increased diversity. Unfortunately, these benefits also come with challenges such as reduced collaboration and limited data access. Clinical trial … Read more

RealTime is Making an Impact at SCRS 2020

realtime ctms scrs global site solutions summit 2020

This October, RealTime Software Solutions is proud to partake in SCRS Virtual Global Site Solutions Summit! With a full virtual events and workshops schedule, we wanted to share the sessions we are most excited about. Tuesday, October 6, 2020 | 2:45 – 3:45 EST Site Business Health: Withstanding Disruption During a Pandemic Many clinical research … Read more