Behind the Software with Chris Jacques

Learn more about Chris Jacques

RealTime-CTMS strives to build a strong team dedicated to the success of our customers. Our staff goes above and beyond to achieve this each day. We give back to clinical researchers by creating software that is more efficient, reliable, and easy to use, while providing the best customer service. Each month, we are excited to showcase one of … Read more

The RealTime Customer Service Difference with Norma Zayas

Learn more about Norma Zayas

Customers are the heart of RealTime-CTMS and each day our team strives to provide outstanding customer support to all of our clients.  Joining RealTime in 2018, Norma Zayas leads the charge as our Success Team Manager, bringing a strong background in account management and client relations. Norma manages our team of dedicated support specialists ready … Read more

Behind the Software with Evelyn Jackson

Learn more about Evelyn Jackson

Each of our RealTime-CTMS team members are crucial to the success of our company. Without their hard work and dedication to success, we wouldn’t be who we are today. Each month, we are excited to showcase one of our amazing team members in a Behind the Software feature. This month, we are featuring our eDOCS … Read more

A Message from the CEO : 2020 Year in Review

2020 RealTime review with Rick Greenfield

2020 has undoubtedly been a year that will be permanently etched in the history books and reflected upon for many years to come. Yet, in these challenging times, the world has quickly learned to adapt and innovate, and together, we are making great strides to defeat Covid-19. At RealTime, we remain true to our goal … Read more

The Power of CTMS Website Integration

Why your CTMS needs website capabilities

Managing your website and keeping it up to date is already a painstaking process but managing your study listings on your website can be even more time-consuming and costly. This is especially true if you pay a website management company to add/remove studies for you.  The good news? RealTime-CTMS has an option to link your … Read more

A RealTime to Reflect

A realtime to reflect

The clinical research and pharmaceutical industry could never have expected the events of 2020. With clinical trials being mostly paused for part of the year, the adoption of social distancing practices, travel restrictions, and the intense search for COVID-19 vaccines and treatments in full swing, our industry has adapted to keep research moving through it … Read more

Transition and Adaptation of Clinical Research in 2020

A letter from Rick Greenfield

Wow… 2020 has been a year of adaptation on a level that none of us could have predicted.  As we celebrated last New Year’s Eve with the excitement of what 2020 would bring, none of us knew what we were in for! But here we are, proving that we are even more resilient than we … Read more

5 Reasons Why Your Site Should Be Using Paperless Systems

Man looking at a stack of paper

The year is 2020 – you’re running a clinical research site and realize your workflow is still primarily running off paper systems. Files are overflowing your workspace, paperwork is getting lost between your site staff and doctors, and before you know it, you’re stuck in a paper vortex! Has this ever happened to you? The … Read more

How can your CTMS make your site or site network a recruitment powerhouse?

CTMS can recruit for you

Patient recruitment in clinical trials is undeniably one of the most challenging obstacles facing the clinical research industry. The lack of patient participation in clinical trials can be due to multiple factors but the most likely cause of low or slow enrollment is simply the lack of clinical trial awareness. Digital technology and connectivity have … Read more

The Future of Clinical Trials: Q&A with Rick Greenfield, CEO of RealTime

Q&A with Rick Greenfield

As we segue into a new year, one can’t help but wonder what the future of the clinical research industry looks like. Cutting-edge clinical trial software, research advancements, and other breakthroughs have proven to shape the clinical research industry that we know today. In a Q&A with Rick Greenfield, CEO of RealTime Software Solutions, we … Read more