5 More Things To Look for in an eRegulatory System

5 More Things To Look for in an eRegulatory System

As technology evolves, so must we. We can’t settle for the same technology just because that’s the system we’ve always used. In our previous blog, “5 Things to Look for in an eRegulatory System,” we discussed what to look for in an eRegulatory system for clinical trial management. User experience, a monitoring portal, secure centralized … Read more

eSource Document Building with RealTime Keeps Your Sites Ahead

eSOURCE doc building software

As new studies are coming up at your site, there is a lot to think about and prepare for.  Getting studies set up in your CTMS for visit and financial tracking is one important process but building great source to drive excellent data collection processes is another major hurdle to being ready to execute. eSOURCE … Read more