A Message from the CEO : 2020 Year in Review

2020 RealTime review with Rick Greenfield

2020 has undoubtedly been a year that will be permanently etched in the history books and reflected upon for many years to come. Yet, in these challenging times, the world has quickly learned to adapt and innovate, and together, we are making great strides to defeat Covid-19. At RealTime, we remain true to our goal … Read more

Get more out of time-saving research software

Get more out of RealTime software

With clinical trials in full swing, researchers around the globe are bustling with work. Halted or paused trials are beginning to resume, and COVID-19 research efforts have heavily contributed to our industry’s workload. Luckily, we live in an age where software has eased the workload for all parties in the pharmaceutical and research industry. RealTime … Read more

3 Tips for Staying Audit-Ready

3 Tips for Staying Aduit Ready

Maintaining audit-readiness is the best way to ensure that your site is prepared for audits and inspections, both planned and unplanned. This proactive approach prevents headaches and last-minute scrambling by staff in the event of an actual audit.  The following tips will help you ensure that your team is audit-ready. Create Create and establish an … Read more

RealTime-DecenTRIAL: What You Should Know

As our industry shifts to paperless systems, virtual visits, and remote-monitoring, Sites, Sponsors, and CROs must pivot to what is now considered the new norm or business-as-usual.  This transition has encouraged a complete re-thinking of processes and procedures to ensure compliance, efficiency, budgeting and profitability. RealTime’s vision highlights our continued commitment to reshape the global … Read more

Part 3: How Coastal Pediatric Trained Staff on an eRegulatory Solution

Training on an eRegulatory Solution

We explore Coastal Pediatric Research’s journey to adopting Complion’s eRegulatory solution which has enabled the site to increase efficiency, greatly improve time management, and eliminate duplication of work while conducting their clinical research studies. In the last post of this three-part series, we take a look at the training phase when adopting an eRegulatory solution.

Why it’s important to choose the right CTMS the first time

Choosing the right CTMS

Choosing the right Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) takes careful evaluation requiring a substantial time investment as well as extensive research. When choosing a CTMS, you should feel confident that you are making the right decision, as the wrong decision can be very costly to your organization in the short-term, resulting in long-term consequences. The Depth … Read more

Part 2: How Coastal Pediatric Implemented an eRegulatory Solution

How Coastal Pediatric implemented an eRegulatory solution

We explore Coastal Pediatric Research’s journey to adopting Complion’s eRegulatory solution which has enabled the site to increase efficiency, greatly improve time management, and eliminate duplication of work while conducting their clinical research studies. In the second of this three-part series, we take a look at the implementation phase of the adoption of an eRegulatory solution.

FAQ: Compliance in Paperless Research Systems

FAQ with Evelyn Jackson

Why does compliance matter when using an electronic system? Many established electronic systems provide research organizations a means to hold and secure valuable clinical research documents and data in a paperless environment that allow for greater site and sponsor efficiencies. These systems may include capabilities that span from recruitment tools, enrollment tracking, calendaring and appointment … Read more

Keeping research compliant amid the COVID-19 crisis

Keeping research compliant

Many clinical research sites and sponsors are accepting new paperless processes in light of the novel COVID-19 crisis. With the inevitable switch to paperless clinical trial systems, one can hope that the same industry guidelines are equally enforced. With any process, there are rules; the clinical research process is no different with most prescription drugs … Read more

Tips for getting sponsors to cover your site-based electronic systems

Don't leave money on the table

With more and more research sites adopting site-based electronic systems, such as RealTime-eDOCS (eRegulatory) and RealTime-eSOURCE, it’s important for these sites to ask, “Am I leaving money on the table?”. Due to the value that these systems bring to the research process, it’s now more common than ever for sites to obtain payment from sponsors … Read more