5 Crucial Considerations for Selecting a CTMS


With a clinical trial management system (CTMS), you can more efficiently manage the day-to-day operations of running a clinical trial as well as easily organize trial data in one central location. Learn what to consider when selecting a CTMS.

How a Mobile App Improves Site Clinical Trial Performance

RealTime Mobile App

Does your CTMS system have a dedicated mobile app?  If not, you may be asking, “Why would I even need a CTMS mobile app?  My current CTMS vendor claims that it is not necessary because my CTMS scales to mobile devices.”  Let’s dive into how RealTime, the only CTMS company to have a dedicated mobile app, is enabling clinical research coordinators, investigators, and other front-line researchers to execute their daily tasks more efficiently and effectively using tools that are only possible with a mobile app. The following are some of the key benefits that RealTime customers can enjoy by using the features on our MobileApp:

New Customer Feature Request Form Brings Ideas to Life

Need a new feature or solution in the RealTime system?

At RealTime, we are constantly investing in technology improvements to ensure customers get the most out of RealTime solutions. We take our customer’s input seriously and use it to make sure our solutions meet their needs. In fact, most of our updates have originated directly from the voice of our customers! In an effort to … Read more

Pros and Cons of e-Signatures in Clinical Research

Pros and Cons of eSignatures in Clinical Research with CEO Rick GreenField Blog

As the clinical research industry moves into an increasingly paperless, electronic world, all stakeholders involved in clinical trial processes are faced with new workflows that include numerous benefits. However, in some cases, new challenges must be overcome. The move to electronic systems has been greatly accelerated due to Covid-19 as the need for contactless processes … Read more

The RealTime Customer Service Difference with Norma Zayas

Learn more about Norma Zayas

Customers are the heart of RealTime-CTMS and each day our team strives to provide outstanding customer support to all of our clients.  Joining RealTime in 2018, Norma Zayas leads the charge as our Success Team Manager, bringing a strong background in account management and client relations. Norma manages our team of dedicated support specialists ready … Read more

Make the Switch in 2021 to RealTime-CTMS

Switch and save with RealTime CTMS

Say goodbye to 2020 and hello to fresh starts in 2021! RealTime-CTMS wants to help you get your year off to a great start and, perhaps it’s high time to re-evaluate your Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS). There is no better time to start your research than now. Choosing the right CTMS takes careful evaluation … Read more

The Power of CTMS Website Integration

Why your CTMS needs website capabilities

Managing your website and keeping it up to date is already a painstaking process but managing your study listings on your website can be even more time-consuming and costly. This is especially true if you pay a website management company to add/remove studies for you.  The good news? RealTime-CTMS has an option to link your … Read more

Get more out of time-saving research software

Get more out of RealTime software

With clinical trials in full swing, researchers around the globe are bustling with work. Halted or paused trials are beginning to resume, and COVID-19 research efforts have heavily contributed to our industry’s workload. Luckily, we live in an age where software has eased the workload for all parties in the pharmaceutical and research industry. RealTime … Read more

3 Tips for Staying Audit-Ready

3 Tips for Staying Aduit Ready

Maintaining audit-readiness is the best way to ensure that your site is prepared for audits and inspections, both planned and unplanned. This proactive approach prevents headaches and last-minute scrambling by staff in the event of an actual audit.  The following tips will help you ensure that your team is audit-ready. Create Create and establish an … Read more

RealTime is Making an Impact at SCRS 2020

realtime ctms scrs global site solutions summit 2020

This October, RealTime Software Solutions is proud to partake in SCRS Virtual Global Site Solutions Summit! With a full virtual events and workshops schedule, we wanted to share the sessions we are most excited about. Tuesday, October 6, 2020 | 2:45 – 3:45 EST Site Business Health: Withstanding Disruption During a Pandemic Many clinical research … Read more