Ask the Experts: Getting sponsors to cover your site-based electronic solutions

Tips for getting sponsor to cover your site-based solutions

Site-based clinical trial software systems such as RealTime-eDOCS and eSOURCE are becoming more commonplace and essential than ever before.  These solutions are part of a fast-growing market of site-based systems in the research industry that is reshaping research processes. One common topic of concern of the sites is the cost of these systems and the โ€ฆ Read more

TEXT: Effectiveness of Inbound Marketing

Woman on phone

Playing phone tag with your patients can be frustrating, especially in an era of digital literacy. If you believe youโ€™re communicating effectively with patients, think again. Inbound marketing is defined as engaging and retaining customers or โ€œpatientsโ€ with various methods of communication. With this in mind, consider the way your site is communicating with patients. โ€ฆ Read more