Data Migration: Getting Started with RealTime  Software Solutions 

Amidst industry movements like the site network consolidation trend, broader diversity in clinical trials, and the increasing complexity of studies, clinical research sites are navigating an environment that demands even greater operational agility. RealTime Software Solutions recognizes this evolving need and offers a comprehensive eClinical suite of solutions designed to improve site operations, streamline workflows, and strengthen site performance. Whether you’re contemplating consolidating your existing software under a single vendor or transitioning from traditional paper-based processes, there’s a notable shift among clinical research sites towards purpose-built eClinical solutions for effective site trial management. In this blog, we’ll guide you through the key stages and considerations for transferring your data. As sites prepare for this transition, we’ll demystify the data migration process and outline the steps for getting started with RealTime. 

Phase 1: Preparing for the Transition

Assess Your Current Data

Review your existing data carefully. Ensure that all information – including study statuses, patient details, and financial recordsis current and accurate. This stage is your opportunity to clean up your database, merge duplicate patient records, and update patient demographics and financial data. Your data integrity check is important because this data will be transferred directly to your new system. 

Request Data Export

If you are transferring data from an existing system, request a comprehensive data export from your current vendor. This full export will encompass all necessary information for a successful migration. Keep in mind that this can be a time-consuming process, so it’s advisable to start well in advance of your planned transition date. 

Data Backup

At RealTime, we strongly advocate for maintaining a comprehensive data backup, regardless of whether all data is slated for migration. This backup serves as a historical reference, guaranteeing that valuable information remains preserved and readily accessible whenever necessary. 

Vendor-Specific Requirements for Data File

Ensure that data files are compatible. If you are switching to eSource, verify the data file format aligns with the new eSource system (e.g.) Excel/.csv, SQL Database, or .xml formats. Depending on your current system, you may need to request custom exports to ensure all relevant financial and patient data is accurately captured. 

Phase 2: Data Migration

Secure Data Transfer

The next step involves transferring your data files. Using a service like FileCloud ensures a safe transfer, with files being password-protected to maintain security throughout the process. 

Quality Control and Compliance

As the migration progresses, your data will be mapped and integrated into the new system. This developmental stage is essential for ensuring a seamless transition of information. Following data integration, a Quality Control (QC) process is next. This step allows for a thorough review of the migrated data against the original files, ensuring accuracy and completeness before proceeding further. 

Phase 3: Post Migration

After completing the data migration process and conducting a thorough review, the team will make any necessary adjustments. This phase ensures that any discrepancies found during the QC process are addressed. It’s also a time to get familiar with your new system, training staff and tweaking workflows as needed to fully leverage the benefits. 

Transitioning to a new system can be challenging, and RealTime understands this. Our team extends support and services beyond the migration phase, focusing on data optimization and customization to tailor the platform to meet the unique needs of your site. We also offer extensive training to help your team get up and running, fast. From on-demand videos to live training sessions, RealTime provides multiple learning avenues to suit different preferences. 

Wrap Up

Tech-enabled sites simply perform better. Today, more than 3,000 sites in 55 countries are already using the RealTime suite of eClinical solutions and report significant gains including 30 hours of time saved, 20% increase in the rate of study start-up, and up to 40% increased revenue. As more sites transition to RealTime, they are adopting a platform renowned for its robust features, user-friendly interface, and white glove service customer support. With proactive preparation, transitioning your data to RealTime has never been easier. Schedule a demo to see the platform in action today.