You have probably heard the term S.O.M.S., but what does it mean? Quite simply, SOMS stands for Site Operations Management System. It rhymes with Tom’s… it’s SOMS!
OK, now you can say it, but what is it? In the vast arena of software available for clinical research sites, there is a lot to navigate and a lot to consider. The short list would include, CTMS systems, eRegulatory systems, Stipend payment systems, eSOURCE systems for data capture, TEXT systems for appointment reminders and other patient communications, direct mail systems, website study listing and application capture, CRM software for lead management, and more.
There is a lot to keep track of within all these systems. Sites will need to establish contracts for each of these services/products, establish payment systems for each product, have trained personnel who can run each system, ensure login credentials are maintained and working, transfer data between these systems to perform their designed functions, etc.
With a SOMS system, all the above can be accomplished in one seamless information system. A SOMS system bundles each service into a single user-friendly platform that fully integrates with platforms like WordPress or other website CMS, MailChimp, Facebook and more. The level of efficiency and cost savings that can be accomplished with this fully integrated system is unparalleled.
There is one other important thing to note. There is only one vendor on the market that has a SOMS system and that is RealTime Software Solutions. Individually, RealTime has best-in-class CTMS, eRegulatory, eSOURCE, TEXT, PAY, website integration, MailChimp and Facebook integration and other handy tools. RealTime also provides a user-friendly mobile app for doctor referrals, eSignatures on the go, quick access to study documents, eSOURCE data collection, as well as an Outlook plugin that allows for drag-and-drop documents into eReg binders or other eDOCS storage locations AND MORE.
While other vendors claim to have “integrations” or even similar bundling of software, be sure to compare the capabilities of each of their systems and how they stack up to RealTime’s solutions for each. RealTime not only offers the best standalone solutions, but the only complete bundling of solutions into a single platform for ultimate efficiency, cost savings and production. RealTime SOMS. There is only one and it can be found in leading sites around the world!
Take a look at RealTime. Choose the right system the first time. But it’s never too late to make the switch. Anytime you switch to RealTime, you are right on time. Schedule a demo today to learn how RealTime can help you streamline your processes and drive results. Call (210) 852-4310 or visit today!