Part 3: How Coastal Pediatric Trained Staff on an eRegulatory Solution

In our first post in this series, we outlined the selection phase in which CPR’s research staff outlined exactly what features and benefits they wanted from an eRegulatory system. The second post looked at what CPR needed to consider before moving into the implementation phase. In this final post of the series, we will look at what CPR needed to consider when training the site’s research staff.

In regard to training on an eRegulatory system, it is important to consider your site’s infrastructure and the staff’s bandwidth for training. Since CPR’s coordinators were already conducting patient visits, they designated a certified coordinator as the super user.

According to Julia Brenner, MHA, finance and regulatory manager for Coastal Pediatric Research, the certified coordinator loved having this responsibility.

“I devoted time to train her on the system, and she then trained all the other coordinators on their individual studies that would be in the system,” Brenner explains. “In return for her ‘train the trainer’ efforts, we alleviated a bit of the other work that was on her plate to allow her to dedicate adequate time to the coordinator training.”

As a result, CPR was able to get all the coordinators trained on the system and using Complion for their studies about six months after implementation.

Brenner recommends dedicating the time deserved to train on the system. Otherwise, it will be hard to stick with it.

“Complion has done an awesome job of providing us with training resources,” Brenner notes. “For instance, they provided us with language for our SOPs that made the onboarding process much simpler than what we anticipated. Further, they provided several valuable resources like a sponsor success letter, contract language, and budget negotiation tips for getting the system covered.”

“We really didn’t think a vendor would offer these resources nor did we consider asking,” Brenner said. “It’s something Complion automatically provided to us. As a result, it confirmed we had chosen the right vendor for our eRegulatory system.”

According to Brenner, Complion’s cloud-based software solution has enabled CPR to increase their efficiency with filing, monitoring, and signing documents. The site has greatly improved their time management and the need to file duplicate documentation in multiple locations has been eliminated, resulting in reduced space and costs associated with paper storage.

“That alone speaks volumes as to the benefits of eRegulatory,” Brenner notes. “If you ever question if you’ve made the right decision moving forward with an eRegulatory system, just take a look at the reduction in hours and how satisfied the staff is because their work is now so much easier.”

Interested in learning more about CPR’s implementation of Complion? Be sure to read “Case Study Brief: Coastal Pediatric Research”.

Learn more about Complion’s platform, schedule a demonstration.

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