How RealTime-Devana Helped MUSC Gain Performance Transparency to Improve Therapeutic Alignment



MUSC Before RealTime


MUSC After RealTime


As South Carolina’s premier biomedical research institution, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) is committed to recruiting top scientists to serve the needs of residents. With $300+ million in research funding and 1,242 extramural awards in fiscal year 2023, the collaboration between faculty, staff, students, and our partners accelerates the movement of scientific discoveries to patient and public health care that improves lives.  

The Challenge

  • Hundreds of study opportunities to consider for feasibility to determine which were a therapeutic fit based on physician investigator and staff experience and availability.
  • Feasibility Analysis Team lacked transparency into historic and currently running clinical trials to gauge past trial success and current investigator bandwidth.
  • Study selection and start-up process was tied to cumbersome spreadsheets, making it time-consuming and inefficient; inability to provide crucial KPIs to system administrators.

The Solution

  • Ability to capture and analyze historic and real-time trial performance metrics for improved feasibility and study selection.
  • A platform to provide a unified, automated process for managing study workflows and milestones.

The Results

  • Within six weeks, RealTime-Devana, previously PROPEL, was configured to the client’s workflows, data from 1400+ clinical trials was organized and imported, and the feasibility and research operations team was trained.
  • Research staff unified on a common data analytics platform, providing transparency into historical and current trial data across the organization.
  • The volume of trial opportunities being tracked in the pipeline was doubled and detailed metrics and statuses on over 250 currently running trials were available. Key metrics including enrollment, contract met percentage, current study stage, and completed milestones were available in real time.

With RealTime-Devana, MUSC was able to provide transparency into historical and current trial data across the organization. Other benefits include:

  • Real-time performance metrics and reporting
  • Common platform for central and site-based teams
  • Exponential growth and scalability become a reality
  • Single source of truth
  • Centralized communications and trial management

Ready to explore the leader in clinical site technology? We’d love to connect. Complete the form to learn how RealTime-Devana can work for you.

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