Complion: 5 Clinical Trial Pain Points RealTime Solves

5 Clinical Trial Pain Points, Solved.

At RealTime, our team of experienced research professionals know firsthand that running clinical trials can be challenging and that sites experience many pain points. That’s why we’ve developed a full suite of integrated solutions that solve these issues. While the software solves many pain points, here are five that our customers appreciate the most.

Pain Point #1

Error-prone paper processes pose significant risks to data integrity and increase the potential for FDA audit findings.

Solution: eSOURCE

Eliminate paper processes and streamline data collection for improved protocol compliance and data quality.

  • Maintain compliance with built-in alerts and notifications for PIs and site staff.
  • Build custom eSOURCE documents to standardize processes and workflows.
  • Quickly review, assess and sign procedures, labs and other reports.
  • Sign documents from anywhere

Pain Point #2

Accelerating growth and scalability for site management operations.

Solution: CTMS

Scale faster with comprehensive solutions for recruitment, CRC activities, finances, site management, and more.

  • Maximize your recruitment strategy and become a top enroller.
  • Easily manage and schedule patient visits.
  • Manage contracts, budgets and accounting with advanced, custom reporting.
  • Avoid missed billing opportunities with automated processes.

Pain Point #3

Traditional consent processes and managing different versions of consent forms can be a logistical nightmare.

Solution: ENGAGE! (An integrated eConsent + patient portal)

Manage all your studies at the site level with an integrated eConsent and participant portal solution.

  • Save time with automated eCONSENT routing based on language, version and more.
  • Version control ensures that your staff is always signing the most current document.
  • The participant portal, MyStudyManager™, allows participants to enroll in a study, manage their participation and better engage with site staff.
  • Increase engagement and improve the participant experience with notifications, study calendars, virtual visits and more!

Pain Point #4

Inefficiency, challenges and fraud risks associated with managing participant payments.

Solution: SitePAY

Boost patient retention and satisfaction with a rapid, secure payment process.

  • Reduce fraud by eliminating paper checks, cash handling, and reduced currency touchpoints.
  • Quickly pay stipends or reimbursements with a click of a button.
  • Create controls and processes by delegating user privileges on payment access.
  • 1099 reporting generates a report of all required data to electronically file 1099s.

Pain Point #5

Low patient retention and visit show rates can result in missing data sets that make it challenging to draw meaningful conclusions from the collected data.

Solution: TEXT

Improve visit show rates and increase patient retention with direct text communication.

  • Send and receive SMS messages direct to patients and track communication on their patient profile conveniently.
  • Send recruitment messages to your database with targeted searches.
  • Automate appointment reminders that will capture confirmations and alert staff.
  • Configure SMS messages in the patient’s preferred language. All languages supported.

If you would like to learn more about how RealTime can help solve your specific pain points, one of our customer solutions team members would be happy to talk with you or provide a demo. To set up a time, complete the form below.